Monday, August 29, 2011

Cribbage Anyone?

If you have never played a game of cribbage, it may be a little difficult for me to convey the fun of this whole story. Nonetheless, cribbage is a card game and the score for each player (or team, if playing partners) is kept by moving little pegs down a board. This is one of our favorite boards—it has little skunks painted on it.  A skunk is a bad thing and a double skunk is even worse.

When we were in Alaska we saw a scrimshaw cribbage board that was carved into a walrus tusk.  It looked something like this one with a price tag of around $1200.00--it's still in Alaska.

We play cribbage a lot with our friends the Hogans. It is girls against guys, and the fun we have is indescribable. On one occasion, after having lost several games in a row, the guys were very close to winning one.  Alas however, they ultimately lost by only one point. Jay moaned, “Just my luck-- one peg behind every time!” That got me to laughing--mostly because we were winning so much, but also because it made me ponder…..hmm… “Hey Jay, how about if I put that on your tombstone?”

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wine or Grapes

My friend told me that a recent study reveals that wine can actually be instrumental in preventing skin cancer.  I said, "Good deal!"  Then she added, "But you can get the same effect from eating grapes."   I said, "No Carol Rose-- I've eaten grapes and I've drunk wine, and they DO NOT have the same effect!" 
Well I'm all for protecting my skin, so let me share some of my secrets for doing so.  I am quite fond of the following remedies.

These are all California blends, and their names are so seductive-sounding.  PromisQous (the label adds that it refers to multiple partners--meaning several grapes) is one of the most pleasing to my palate. Menage a Trois (pairing of three red grapes) and Hot to Trot from the 14 Hands Cellar.  I can't find a real definition for the word 'Apothic', but the vintner claims it refers to a mythical place where delicious wines were made.  I do know that all of these wines suit me well as far as taste and price are concerned.  Paired with a juicy steak, they are perfect!

Jay's Grandmother's pretty, etched wine glass

Cheers---Here's to the health of our skin!